Fence Post processing - Forklift work
GREAT SOUTHERN TIMBER is looking for a person to assist with the stacking and grading of Fence posts in our yard on Alford Forest Rd. We need someone who has some forklft experience and If you are a self starter who turns up everyday and wants to be part of a close knit team then this job may suit you. All new starters are on a casual contract for a qualifying period
< Mon to Fri- up to $1200 week incl h/p
For your initial contact give Kevin a ring on 027 203 3970 or flick an application through. kevinh@greatsouthern.net.nz
143 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton, 7700
027 203 3970
Company Name
Great Southern
Job Type
Full Time
Closing Date
Company Information
Great Southern Group
Post and Timber supplier.
Fencing supplies
Small Building
Dog Motels
Concrete Troughs
Gates, Wooden and Mesh
Post and Timber supplier.
Fencing supplies
Small Building
Dog Motels
Concrete Troughs
Gates, Wooden and Mesh
How to apply
In first instance either ring Kevin on 027 203 3970 or flick an email enquiry to kevnh@greatsouthern.net.nz